Texting: the new salvation?
I’ve been pretty lukewarm about texting. Much easier to send an receive voice messages, I thought. That was before my car – driven by child #3
I’ve been pretty lukewarm about texting. Much easier to send an receive voice messages, I thought. That was before my car – driven by child #3
Worried in this economy? Take a tip from Bill Slabodnick of Columbus. Bill, an 80-something who looks and acts a decade younger than his age, has
Always looking for time-savers, I’m usually a fan of online shopping. Usually, but not this week. It all started when I ordered a new charger cord
How many minutes does it take to change a light bulb? I’d say no more than three. But then I went to change one tonight
It always sneaks up on me, Daylight Savings Time. Just when I think I need a 25th hour in the day, I’m slammed with 23. What’s
Can’t claim much credit for this. Frank Sinatra was crooning to this tune back in the late ’40s (or so I’m told). But the more
Among friends the other day, I heard a woman in her 60’s exclaim with fear that she’d encountered three men in their mid-80s who
Shabbat, Shalom! I was way too jetlagged to post to the Dog Journal on Sunday, the day I arrived home after nearly
If all goes according to plan, I have just “climbed” the Masada in Israel via cable car. Check out the view. Traveling with a group from Congregation Beth
This picture is a lie It pretends to capture the Grand Canyon. But nothing short of standing on its rim, as I just did a week