What Happened To Ordinary Snow?

Frantic speed-talking and what-iffing is the new news norm. Even in the case of ordinary snow.

Today’s long-expected storm somehow blew in as a shock, where midwestern reporters in mufflers, snow flying past their ears, speculated that maybe – in a few days – it could turn into a nor’easter in Maine.

With that followed pictures of the last nor’easter in Maine, complete with cars overturned in ditches and overflowing emergency rooms.  Followed by A-I generated models of cars ice skating on some imaginary pond.

I’m ready for a news show called “Roll with it,” which would report ordinary weather events as ordinary. “Roll with it” would introduce a snow storm with words like “As we’ve expected.”  And “Obviously, if you don’t have to go out, don’t.” End of story.

No grueling pictures of snow plows overturned on I-95. No staccato speculation that traffic might pile up for miles. No prediction that ER personnel could not possibly treat all the victims.

The school closings list would not have to run continuously on “Roll With It,” only until school was set to open.  We all know that kids thoroughly monitor stormy weather beginning the afternoon before.  By 7 AM, their parents are fully aware if the schools have been closed.

I don’t expect that “Roll With It” would ever apply to politics, rumored government shutdowns, or romantic liaison among the rich and famous.  Only to weather.  That, at least, would be a start.

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