Coworking Boosts Life Balance

work home pictureI’m writing this from an amazing little coworking space in German Village called Qwirk, Like most of the places I frequent these days, Qwirk is inhabited by people who are half my age. I love it! And I love coworking.
Never until I started my speaking and writing business last year, did I work from home.
Although I’m never tempted to get up from my desk and clean the house (that’s for sure) or even to raid the refrigerator (well, not usually), I find the separation of work and home is much better for life balance. Working at home becomes work 24/7.
Maybe I’m just following the advice given to insomniacs: Keep waking and sleeping hours separate; don’t work in bed.

One Response

  1. I saw you on the virtual book tour and found your blog. I am enjoying your postings, but this one hit home! I had been an educator for many years when I quit to write full time and what a change in lifestyle! It took me awhile to get out of the fast pace and settle into a job where I set my own hours and do my own thing! I do find myself still going to do chores around the house when I should be writing! Getting outside my space would probably be a good idea to do more often! Good luck with the tour! Your book sounds great! My blog is: and website:

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