
Does your life feel more complicated by the day? Are you struggling with balance in your “post-pandemic” life? Over-run with “stuff”? Help is on the way.

After more than two decades of writing a column about the humorous side of her own overbooked, out-of-control life, Pat Snyder is here with the perfect antidote: a just-released collection of her monthly BALANCING ACT columns: Best of BALANCING ACT: Quick Reads for Crazy Times.

Readers urged her to put her humor perspective all in one place when ThisWeek, the community paper that ran her column, launched 2023 by closing its doors.

“Sure!” Pat responded, “How hard could that be?” with her usual talent for underestimating projects.  But at last the collection is available on Amazon in both paperback and for Kindle. For those crazy days when you need a break, you can find it in this collection of two-minute reads.

Also, look for Pat to share her real-time take on current absurdities through her Dog Journal blog posts, which you can subscribe to here, along with a revived Balancing Tips newsletter, now called Unpacking Your Stories.

The revamped newsletter will keep you up to date on Pat’s latest writing passion: using the power of storytelling to rightsize your life and your possessions. Inspired by moving to a smaller house, Pat has written a series of essays about “stuff” she decided to keep or let go of.

She encourages readers to find their stories, too, and is conducting workshops in person and online on finding the stories in your stuff.

Contact Pat if your group would like her to facilitate an Unpacking Your Stories workshop.  More about them here


Positive Research
One-Stop Shop Online

Pat holds a master of applied positive psychology degree from the University of Pennsylvania and bases her presentations about stress relief and work-life balance on research-based positive psychology principles. For those who are interested in delving further into these principles themselves, one of the most comprehensive summaries of positive psychology research and practical applications you can […]


You may be surprised to learn what the #1 predictor of a long life is. In this TED Talk psychologist Susan Pinker finds it’s social interaction.

Speeches & Workshops
Pat offers a choice of two- to four-hour interactive workshops on humor-related topics. Sign up for a workshop and learn how to write funny, or control stress and spark creativity through humor. Also, check out her speech topics.
Pat’s Latest Blog Post

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Ready to Unpack?

Periodically (but never more than once a month), I’ll send subscribers a free electronic newsletter, “Unpacking,” designed for those whose lives are thrown out of balance as they prepare to move to smaller quarters. You’ll learn how sifting through your “stuff” can help you discover YOUR important stories and decide which ones to make space for in your next phase. I’ll even call out for YOUR stories to share with others. Just enter your email address below to receive the newsletter by email.

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Contact Pat

For workshop bookings and to share stories of your own downsizing experience, use the contact form to get in touch.

“Balancing Tips” Newsletter Archives

Pat has issued a number of newsletters with tips and resources for getting your overbooked life back in balance. Click here for copies of past issues that you might find helpful.